Summerhouse washbasin with water heater

Date 07 August 2020
Summerhouse washbasin with water heater

To solve the problem of permanent or temporary absence of water supply, it is clear that it is enough to install a water sink. This appliance is necessary for basic hygienic processes:  wash after work or wash the garden fruit and vegetables. Most often such a model is a faucet and a washing tray.

Wash basin is needed for simple hygiene processes in the summerhouse

  1. Summerhouse wash basin with water heater: Washbasins advantages
  2. Summerhouse wash basin with water heater: Variety of products
  3. How to get Summerhouse wash basin with water heater? Characteristics and price reviews
  4. Summerhouse wash basin with water heater: Discussing of popular models
  5. Summerhouse wash basin with water heater: Product selection tips and advices
  6. Summerhouse wash basin with water heater: Structures Selection
  7. Variants of manufacturing of a summerhouse sink from improvised materials
  8. Summerhouse wash basin with water heater by yourself

Summerhouse wash basin with water heater. Washbasins advantages

The summer season has its advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, relaxation outside the city is the breathing air, sun, fresh fruits and vegetables. And the counterbalance, minimal comfort and frequent unfavorable weather conditions. For people who are accustomed to urban comforts, it is not always easy to get used to the absence of hot water.

Summerhouse washbasin

The sink can be installed both inside and outside the building

In summer the summerhouse is comfortable to make and create a pleasant morning mood to help the summer sink with water heating. This gearbox is particularly relevant in the early morning cold house where the water tubes are missing. In addition, after the horticultural work, it is nice to wash with warm water.

Summerhouse wash basin with water heater will create convenience and will save time and will eliminate the need to constantly boil water. In addition, a sink can be purchased for a room, summer cafe or garage. This product is placed on the street and inside the house.

The sink with a heater can keep up to 55-56 ° C for a long time. The tank can be supplied with hot water to the whole family and the heater element can be quickly brought to the required water temperature. Due to the fact that the water heater has corrosion-resistant coating, washer water is always clean and fresh.

The sink with a heater

In order to be comfortable in the summerhouse, you can place a water sink with heater

The negative side of such washbasins is that you should think about how to get rid of the used fluid. The simplest option for the outside is to bury under a sink without a floor barrel, cover it with sand and crushed filters. It is simplest to create a sewer at home, by placing the sink near the thin wall, which is easy to open a hole for the pipe. Sewer pipe connects the sink to the outside or to the outlet of the toilet.

Useful advice: The variant with the use of a bucket is the most adult, and the implementation of the idea through the channel and the body is more difficult, instead, this option will free you from the unpleasant smell or the need to wear a bucket.

Summerhouse wash basin with water heater: Type of product

People often accustomed to the daily good of civilization often have even a two-day visit to the summer house inconvenient and become a real test. The inconvenience caused by the absence of hot water can be eliminated by buying a summerhouse water sink by waterheater. This product is recommended to be placed in any convenient place of residence.

Summer sink with portable models

The most suitable types of summer sink are portable models

A sink with a heater will be easier to choose if you know what types and models are available. The following types are known:

  • hanger or shelves sink,
  • sink with shelf or without,
  • a sink with a water heater or without it,
  • self-made summer sink with plastic bottles or other hand-made items.

How to get Summerhouse wash basin with water heater? Characteristics and price reviews

The most handset for hand washing is a sink with plastic suspension, lid and deck. Its capacity is 2, 2.5 and 3 liters. The price of such a gadget is about 350-500 drams. The negative side of the hanging washbasin is that the hands wash only a few times, and then you will need to fill it again with water. In addition, this product can only be hung.

Stainless steel or gypsum boiler sink is more reliable, ergonomic and practical in terms of care. For such a model, mechanical injuries are not terrible. It will serve for a long time, preserving the exterior appearance.

The volume of water tank, depending on the model, can be between 10 and 20 liters. The products are produced with water heater. Usually they use them outdoors, from metal profiles to the skeleton, to which they strengthen the sink. The construction can be put in a garden or vegetable garden.

Wooden summerhouse sink

Summerhouse sink can be not only metallic, but also wooden

The popular version is 5, 10, 15, 20 liters or more. Such a container is fitted with a faucet and hanging towels. The floor of the building is flat, allowing not only to hang it but also to put it on a stand or shelf when needed. Such a washbasin can be bought at around 1,500 drams.

The traditional sink with a water closet is a sink with a sink. The average height of the model is 150-180 cm. The upper part of the structure contains a water tank. Inside the container, an electric outlet is provided for heating water, which is connected to the electricity grid. Cabinet-base is usually made of laminate fibers, metal or polypropylene.

Improved versions of the summerhouse washbasins are provided in the lower part for the used liquid collection, otherwise water flows directly onto the ground. Ideal washbasin should be filled with a tube, which will flow water in the specially designed cavity.

More often these products are used in buildings. The prices for cabinets, mirrors and soaps are around 9000-10000 drams. The trays  this washer is made of stainless steel and the skeleton is galvanized.


washbasins with a tank of 10-20 liters of water

Water heater washbasins have a tank of 10-20 liters of water

There are also old-fashioned models made of brass or copper. The price of such equipment can be higher than 33000 AMD. Such washbasins look beautiful and unusual. So, if you have such a gadget from the grandstand, you can use it. However, it is not worth taking out such rarity.

The most economical way is to make washbasin by yourself. You can use a plastic bottle of any capacity. Such products are very simple but quite functional. It is ideally suited to sowing areas to wash hands in the vegetable garden after work

Useful advice: It is important to pay attention to the size of the water tank as well as the heater element when selecting a washbasin sink. Many modern models are equipped with temperature regulator, water heater or water heater automatic turn-off sensor.

Summerhouse wash basin with water heater. viewing of popular models

From the point of view of popularity and positive feedback from users, the first place in the summer sink is a summer sink. This product features a very compact size and often has a pre-fabricated body. Both slippery summer wash basins and electric heaters are in great demand.

famous sink ''moydadir''

One of the most famous sink is moydadir

Installing this model will not be difficult. If necessary, moydadir easily moved from place to place. The main part of the sink, the closet, is often made of high quality reliable metal. The water tank and washbasin are made of stainless steel and plastic.

The plastic tank for the fluid has a range of 15 to 25 liters, and stainless steel is 15, 20 and 30 liters. Cottage water sink with boiler water supply is equipped with a water heater of 125 watts. After warming up to 60 ° C the water heater automatically turns off the function of heating. The total weight of the construction is 15 kg. Wet sink can be used in various facilities, including construction sites and campsites.

The second popular model of a sink with a water heater is the Aquatex sink. This appliance is equipped with a water tank filled with a special anti-corrosion layer. All moving elements, covers and doors are equipped with circular connections.

In addition, this washbasin has the possibility to fill hot water in other containers. The flow valve is equipped with a hose connection. The door of the booth at the bottom has magnetic joints. The entire structure is fitted on four legs. This allows the air to circulate freely under the sink.

Aquatex with a storage tank

Aquatex has a storage tank for water

Manufacturers note the expiration warranty period for the epidural sink for 7-10 years. The cheapest washbasin with a waterproofing function is ElBet. All components of this washbasin models are made of plastic. The drainage pipe, as well as the water heater, is made of metal. It is possible to adjust the water temperature. The model tank has up to 22 l capacity.

Summerhouse wash basin with water heater. Product selection tips and advice

The installation of the outer sink is intended to prepare for this a drill hole and a small hanger with a skeleton for fixing the water container (in the case of hanging products). However, this model is not always convenient for use.

All the shortcomings and disadvantages can be eliminated by buying a non-expensive and practical water sinker house sink. Such a utility can be installed inside the house both in the winter and outside, when the weather will fall. The only disadvantage of the construction is that it should always be used to fill the used water bucket.

he distinctive feature of all washbasins with a heater is the material from which the product’s body and water tank are made. Optimistic for the summer house is the stainless steel model. This washbasin is resistant to temperature fluctuations and precipitation. This is especially important for the constructions that will be installed outside. In addition, stainless steel models do not scare scratches.

Large water tank model

When choosing a summerhouse sink, it is better to give preference to large water tank models

Water sink is absolutely safe for use. without the water heater does not work. However, this structure should not be left without control for a long time. It is better to turn off the device at this time.

It is important to pay attention to the size of the water tank when choosing a washbasin sink. If waiting for long-term farming or construction work, it is better to buy a street summer sink with a large tank. In case the water costs are negligible, a small sink can be fitted.

The capacity of the water heater is of great importance. The temperature and the temperature of the fluid depend on this indicator. More popular models are available from 1.25 kW to 2 kW heater. It’s enough to quickly heat the water without using too much electricity.

Many washbasins are equipped with a special sensor that allows the device to maintain water temperature. This makes it easy to use the device as it does not need to control the temperature independently and manually disengage the sink from the power supply. Especially this model is suitable for users who can not always be found on the device.

washbasins with water temperature

Temperature and temperature of the water depends on the capacity of the heater

Useful advice: When choosing a sink, you can buy the models in which the heater can be used separately from the constructions. Such devices do not require landing and are suitable for water heating in any container.

Make summerhouse sink by yourself: Structures Selection

Ամառայնին շրջանն ավելի լավ է անցկացնել ամառանոցում: Հիգիենայի կանոնների պահպանման համար շատ կարևոր է ունենալ աշխատող լվացարան, որի օգնությամբ անհրաժեշտության դեպքում կարելի է լվանալ ձեռքերը կամ բանջարանոցի մթերքը:

The summer time is better spent in the summerhouse. It is important to keep the hygiene rules in order to have a working sink, with the help of which you can rinse your hands or your food.

The sink made by yourself allows you to save money, and also to boast your original style product. The sink structure can be any, in particular:

  • with mirror or without it,
  • with cabinet for soap and other toiletries, or without,
  • for a towel with a hook,
  • stand for dishes or products,
  • open or hidden pipe leaks,

The sink structure

1. Cover holder, 2. Cover, 3. Control unit, 4. Thermoregator, 5. Round shape faucet, 6. Key switch, 7. Wire, 8. Heater, 9. Water container, 10. Wall fixing, 11. Edge fitting , 12. Screw, 13. Spies

The choice of design is not limited to anything and depends only on the wishes of the owner. First, you need to do the sketch of the future product. There are many photos of the sink made with your own hands on the internet. Among them you can find a handy design. It is then important to choose the tools, the necessary materials, and you can switch to the construction.

Useful advice: The optimal location for outdoor sink installation is the place where it is easier to install plumbing equipment for removal of used water. The best place for a sink is at home near the high trees where the structure will look harmonious and comfortable. However, when you are out of town during the winter time, it is best to place a sink directly in the house.

Variants of manufacturing of a summerhouse sink from improvised materials

The easiest and cheapest way to take a sink in a cottage is to make one or more holes on a plastic bottle and hang. Another way is to cut off the lower part of the bottle and use a screwdriver as a water regulator or neck.

You can improve the appliance by adding an old washbasin and a water tank. The second option will require more effort and time, but this model is more convenient for use.

The summerhouse sink from improvised materials

The summerhouse sink can be easily made from improvised materials

The base of the sink can be any of its own, tree, fence, wooden pillar and so on. However, this purpose is best suited to the metal because wood is subject to rotation and fungal diseases. The sink is recommended for selecting aluminum or plastic. Stone or sack washbasin is not suitable for the summer house because of weight and material fragility.

Your own products can be replenished with furniture. Such a model will be large, so it is not recommended to place it in place for several years. There are several options for furniture:

  1. Wooden sink – classic material for the summer house. The product looks nice, but it’s not durable. The impact of the external environment affects the product negatively. To extend the expiration date, it is desirable to design a special tool that prevents rotting.
  2. Patterned veneer – looks good, but more expensive. In addition, this material is also afraid of moisture.
  3. Polycarbonate shields – an option for summer residence. The material is available and has a long life.

Summerhouse wash basin with water heater by yourself

It is very important to think of what to keep clean water during the preparation of the self-made washbasins. At the top of the washbasin can be installed tank and a faucet on it. The product can be improved by connecting the tank to the pump, thereby replenishing the system with water supply. However, this option is not accessible for everyone. It is easier to connect the tank to the barrel or to the summer shower rack.

Stainless steel industrial heater

As a heating can be used stainless steel industrial heater

It is quite possible to prepare a water sink in the home. In this case, all the water in the tank will flow. But if you work, it is quite possible to create simultaneous hot and cold water supply. It will require more skills and efforts.

In any case, the water sink can have a container with an electric heater. This device with hot water is very useful in the fall and early spring, as it is not pleasant to wash hands with cold water.

What kind of sink to create for the summerhouse will surely create an additional feeling of comfort for all family members and will increase the quality of the rest.

Useful advice: It is better to buy a stainless steel industrial electric water heater for the sink. Such heater element will serve for many years.

Homemade sink

Homemade sink can be original and stylish

The water sinker sink is an important and irreplaceable thing. The installation of the device in the summer space will solve many problems:

  • hand washing after vegetable work,
  • washing self-grown fruits and vegetables,
  • other minor needs related to hot water use.

In case of limited financial resources, you can prepare a sink by yourself. For that, there will be a little logic and imagination.

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